The Hahnemann House Trust established this website to ensure people across the globe can easily access artefacts and biographies that honour the history of homeopathy.
All its work is in aid of advancing teaching, practice and research in homeopathy.
The Trust takes a travelling exhibit to events and many items are on permanent loan to homeopathic museums, all to allow the greatest number of people to view the relics held by the Trust.
The Trust is also home to many historical books and letters which it is currently working on making available to the public both physically and virtually.
The Hahnemann House Trust was established by a Deed of Trust made on 9 December 1920 by Mazzini and Orsini Stuart to house the relics and artefacts of Samuel Hahnemann and other prominent homeopaths in history, for the establishment of a permanent collection. The Stuart brothers did this in memory of their father Peter Stuart, who died in 1888.
Peter Stuart’s interest in homeopathy began when his sister was advised to consult Dr John Epps, one of the earliest followers of Hahnemann in the UK. The two men became great friends and Peter Stuart began to study homeopathy under the guiding hand of Dr Epps. Soon he was successfully treating sick animals near his home, then ailing members of his household. For miles around the farmers knew him as the ‘Ditton Doctor’. He never accepted money for treating people and it is estimated that he prescribed for some 300,000 – 350,000 people in his lifetime.
Mr Stuart’s love of homeopathy and its history, lives on through the Trust and its work today. The Trust became a registered charity in England & Wales in 1967. Charity registration number 252702.
The Trust operates only through the kind donations of the public. If you are interested in keeping homeopathy’s history alive, please consider donating to support the Trust’s work.
The Trustee of the Hahnemann House Trust is Homeopathy UK ( registered charity number 235900 in England and Wales, registered Scottish charity number SC049515 and Company Limited by Guarantee 102915.