Daguerrotype of Hahneman taken in Paris, 30 September 1841

Reverse information by Thomas Everest, from Daguerreotype of Samuel Hahnemann, Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris, 30 September 1841
Daguerreotype of Hahnemann, Rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris 30 September 1841
Photographer: H. Foucault, Paris
It was a dark rainy day, with violent gusts of wind, all which circumstances by increasing the difficulty of taking the photograph, have given the countenance of Hahnemann an air of stiffness. Hahnemann was, moreover, rather unwell that day. T. R. Everest
In dark wood frame
Originally the property of Reverend Thomas Roupell Everest, presented to the collection by Mrs E. L. Taylor