George Blair Cochran M.D. L.R.C.S. (1 March 1809 – 16 September 1872) was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy and served as Physician at the Weston Super Mare Homeopathic Dispensary, established in July 1852.

G. B. Cochran was a member of The Hahnemann Publishing Society, a member of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, a member of the Société Médicale Etrangère, Paris and a member of the Dialectic Society,

In 1833 he became a Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, and the following year, 1834, he received his M.D. from the University of Edinburgh.

Initially disinterested in practicing medicine, Cochran spent the next few years traveling the world. He returned to Edinburgh in 1843 and that year, on the recommendation of a friend, attended the homeopathic dispensary in the city, then under the care of Dr.’s John Rutherford Russell and Francis Black. Cochran was impressed and quickly began earnestly studying homeopathy.

In 1850, Cochran settled in Somerset, at Weston super-Mare, and set up in practice at 6 Victoria Place. There he actively promoted homeopathy. For a period he was partnered in practice in the town with Dr. George Mann Carfrae.

Cochran was a regular attendee at the British Homeopathic Congress, including those held at the Great Western Hotel in Birmingham in September 1870, and at the Randolph Hotel, Oxford, in September 1871.

George Blair Cochran died of cerebral disease at Weston super-Mare on 16 November 1872, aged 61. His Obituary is in the Monthly Homeopathic Review in December 1872.