Mueller, Clotar Moritz (1818 – 1877)

Clotar Moritz Mueller (Müller/Muller) (25 August 1818 - 10 N0vember 1877) was the son of Moritz Wilhelm Mueller. He was an early advocate of homeopathy, and an editor of the German homeopathic periodical, Homöopathische Vierteljahrschrift. [...]

Mueller, Clotar Moritz (1818 – 1877)2022-09-30T20:41:40+00:00

Fielitz, Heinrich August (1797 – 1877)

Heinrich August Fielitz M.D. (28 April 1797 – 4 October 1877) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, to become a member of the Homeopathic Society for Upper Lusitania and Silesia, and the [...]

Fielitz, Heinrich August (1797 – 1877)2022-10-03T17:57:31+00:00

Rueckert, Ernst Ferdinand (1795 – 1843)

Ernst Ferdinand Rueckert (Rückert/Rucken) M.D. (3 March 1795 – 27 July 1843), was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, to become the second person after Johan Joseph Wilhelm Lux to apply homeopathy to [...]

Rueckert, Ernst Ferdinand (1795 – 1843)2022-11-18T19:59:20+00:00

Meyer, Veit (1815 – 1872)

Veit Meyer M.D. (17 February 1815 - 22 April 1872) was a German Jewish orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the co-editor of the Homöopathische Vierteljahrschrift, and editor of the Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. [...]

Meyer, Veit (1815 – 1872)2022-10-04T18:38:54+00:00

Lutze, Arthur Ernst (1813 – 1870)

 Arthur Ernst Lutze M.D. (1 June 1813 – 11 April 1870) was a German lay practitioner who practiced for many years as a mesmerist and homeopath before becoming an orthodox physician. Arthur Lutze founded a [...]

Lutze, Arthur Ernst (1813 – 1870)2024-10-12T02:57:12+00:00

Haehl, Richard M. (1873 – 1932)

Richard Haehl M.D. (15 December 1873 – 7 February 1932), a German orthodox physician from Stuttgart and Kirchheim who converted to homeopathy, traveled to America to study homeopathy at the Hahnemann College of Philadelphia. He [...]

Haehl, Richard M. (1873 – 1932)2024-09-13T15:02:25+00:00

Rau, Gottlieb Martin Wilhelm Ludwig (1779 – 1841)

Gottlieb Martin Wilhelm Ludwig Rau M.D. (3 October 1779 – 22 September 1841) was a German orthodox physician for 22 years before he converted to homeopathy. A Specialist in Obstetrics, who was already experimenting in [...]

Rau, Gottlieb Martin Wilhelm Ludwig (1779 – 1841)2022-11-18T15:14:44+00:00

Wolf, Paul (1795 – 1857)

Paul Wolf M.D. (24 February 1795 – 2 January 1857) was a was a German-Jewish orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Paul Wolf was a student of Samuel Hahnemann,and a colleague of Frantz Hartmann, Matthias Marenzeller [...]

Wolf, Paul (1795 – 1857)2022-12-30T15:23:47+00:00

Haubold, Carl (1796 – 1862)

Carl Haubold (1796 – 8 June 1862) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Carl Haubold was one of the earliest students of Samuel Hahnemann in Leipsig. Carl Haubold was a member of [...]

Haubold, Carl (1796 – 1862)2022-10-04T17:41:06+00:00

Thorer, Samuel Timotheus (1795 – 1846)

Samuel Timotheus  Thorer (25 April 1795 – 25 June 1846) was a student at the University of Leipzig, and obtained his medical degree in Berlin. Thorer was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Thorer [...]

Thorer, Samuel Timotheus (1795 – 1846)2022-11-18T14:29:40+00:00

Trinks, Karl Friedrich Gottfried (1800 – 1868)

Karl Friedrich Gottfried Trinks M.D. Image credit: Wellcome Collection Karl Friedrich Gottfried Trinks M.D. (8 January 1800 – 15 June 1868) was a German Jewish physician who practiced in Dresden, and he was [...]

Trinks, Karl Friedrich Gottfried (1800 – 1868)2022-11-15T21:30:51+00:00

Rummel, Friedrich Jakob (1793 – 1854)

Friedrich Jakob Rummel (26 April 1793 – 10 October 1854) was a German orthodox physician and a fierce opponent of homeopathy before he converted to homeopathy. Rummel was Samuel Hahnemann’s great adversary until 1826, when [...]

Rummel, Friedrich Jakob (1793 – 1854)2022-09-30T16:44:28+00:00

Muhlenbein, Georg August Heinrich (1764 – 1845)

Georg August Heinrich Muhlenbein (15 October 1764 – 8 January 1845) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become one of the founders and the President of the Central Society of Homeopathic [...]

Muhlenbein, Georg August Heinrich (1764 – 1845)2022-10-04T12:57:46+00:00

Leeser, Otto (1888 – 1964)

Otto Leeser Ph.D. M.D. (1888 – 1964) MD, PHd was a German Jewish homeopath who had to leave Germany due to Nazi persecution during World War II, and he escaped to England via Holland. Leeser [...]

Leeser, Otto (1888 – 1964)2024-10-12T17:03:11+00:00

Ledermann, Erich Kurt (1908 – 2005)

Erich Kurt Ledermann Source: Peter Lurie Erich Kurt Ledermann M.D. M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. FFHom (16 May 1908 – 7 May 2005) was a German-born homeopath who fled from Nazi Germany in 1932, to become [...]

Ledermann, Erich Kurt (1908 – 2005)2024-08-28T03:52:47+00:00

Lux, Johann Joseph Wilhelm (1776 – 1849)

Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux M.D. (6 April 1776 – 29 January 1849), was a German veterinary surgeon at the University of Leipzig who converted to homeopathy. Lux was a member of the Homoeopathischer Centralverein. Lux [...]

Lux, Johann Joseph Wilhelm (1776 – 1849)2022-10-07T10:50:16+00:00

Stapf, Johann Ernst (1788 – 1860)

Johann Ernst Stapf (9 September 1788 – 10 July 1860) was a German orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a pupil and colleague of Samuel Hahnemann, and a member of Hahnemann’s Provers’ Union. [...]

Stapf, Johann Ernst (1788 – 1860)2024-02-03T20:34:31+00:00

Ameke, Wilhelm (1847 – 1886)

Wilhelm Ameke M.D. (19 April 1847 – 22 January 1886) was a German orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy to become, alongside Richard Haehl, one of the great historians of Samuel Hahnemann and of homeopathy. [...]

Ameke, Wilhelm (1847 – 1886)2022-11-30T16:04:57+00:00

Jahr, Georg Heinrich Gottlieb (1800 – 1875)

Georg Heinrich Gottlieb Jahr (30 January 1800 – 11 July 1875) was a German lay homeopath who was very close to Samuel Hahnemann. Jahr was a prolific writer and staunch advocate of homeopathy who was [...]

Jahr, Georg Heinrich Gottlieb (1800 – 1875)2022-08-07T10:50:27+00:00

Barker, James Ellis (1870 – 1948)

James Ellis Barker Source: Library of Congress James Ellis Barker (9 May 1870 – 16 July 1948) was a German-born, British Jewish homeopath. Born in Cologne, in Germany, he settled in Britain to [...]

Barker, James Ellis (1870 – 1948)2024-10-12T17:05:48+00:00

Hering, Constantine (1800 – 1880)

Constantine J. Hering (1 January 1800 – 23 July 1880) was the ‘father of American Homeopathy’, known for his “Law of Cure” which remains a guiding principle for modern homeopathy. Hering originally set out to [...]

Hering, Constantine (1800 – 1880)2024-06-26T16:11:08+00:00

Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth (1829 – 1902)

Marie Zakrzewska (6 September 1829 – 12 May 1902) was a German born physician of Polish descent who made her name as a pioneering female doctor in the United States. Zakrzewska confessed to Elizabeth Blackwell [...]

Zakrzewska, Marie Elizabeth (1829 – 1902)2024-10-11T04:18:21+00:00

Bier, August Karl Gustav (1861 – 1949)

August Karl Gustav Bier (1861 – 1949) was a German surgeon and the pioneer of spinal anaesthesia. Bier was unusual for being very open minded in his support of homeopathy, even though he came across [...]

Bier, August Karl Gustav (1861 – 1949)2022-08-07T10:53:29+00:00
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